Tutorial Overview
Resting state simulation using neural mass models
This tutorial will introduce you to simulating resting state brain dynamics using Neuroblox.
Building a model of Parkinson's disease using Neural Mass models
In this example, we'll construct a model of Parkinson's disease using eight Jansen-Rit Neural Mass Models.
Tutorial on bottom-up approach to building a neural assembly
Build neurons into assemblies into a model of the decision circuit.
Pyramidal-Interneuron Gamma network
This tutorial provides a simple example of how to use the Neuroblox package to simulate a pyramidal-interneuron gamma (PING) network.
Basal Ganglia Model and Parkinson's Disease Simulation
This tutorial demonstrates how to build and simulate a basal ganglia model in normal and Parkinson’s conditions.
Spectral Dynamic Causal Modeling Tutorial
In this tutorial we will introduce how to perform a spectral Dynamic Causal Modeling analysis on simulated data.